About Heartinhand

meet the creator!

Hi everyone! My name is Suan Jeong.

Over the past few years, I have been battling bulimia and have recently recovered thanks to my time being a patient at Renfrew. Through my experience dealing with an eating disorder and simultaneously dealing with all the stressors that come with being Asian American; generational trauma, extreme academic pressure, family conflicts, mental health stigma, and balancing beauty ideals of both the Asian and Western societies I’ve been forced to assimilate to; I have become very passionate about eating disorder treatment and prevention, specifically those who are Asian and require extra support in understanding and dealing with the issues regarding the intersectionality of their culture. This is a free page of resources, blogs, fun recipes, and just support overall.

Recovery is a challenging journey, but no one should have to face it alone. At HEARTINHAND, I hope to stand united with everyone in a commitment to supporting Asian youth on their path to healing.

About us

HEARTINHAND is dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive online space for Asian youth seeking support and guidance in their journey toward eating disorder recovery.

Our mission is to…

Break the stigma surrounding mental health,

foster a sense of community,

and offer valuable resources

Eating disorders affect millions.

The Asian community is not exempt from their impact. We recognize the unique challenges and cultural sensitivities surrounding eating disorders within Asian families and communities. Our platform aims to address these issues directly, offering a compassionate and culturally sensitive approach to recovery.

what we offer

  • I curate a wide range of resources, including treatment center referrals, emergency helplines, and general information sites to guide those in recovery in any way they may need.

  • The blog features personal stories of resilience and recovery from my experiences with treatment, family conflicts, everyday experiences, and more shared by individuals who have triumphed over eating disorders. With these narratives, I aim to instill hope and encouragement among those currently struggling.

  • I have compiled evidence-based information and practical tips on understanding eating disorders, seeking professional help, and maintaining long-term recovery. Ranging from strategies on how to recognize warning signs to the role of cultural identity in treatment, this will act as a guidebook for anyone in eating disorder recovery or loved ones.

  • Nourishing the body is an essential aspect of recovery. I provide delicious and nutritious recipe ideas that cater to various dietary preferences, taking into account cultural preferences and ingredients. Being certified in nutrition, I have hand-picked a wide variety of dishes from Asian cuisines to help guide you through recovery in a way that is colorful and enjoyable.